On Decolonising Academics & Pathologies of Muslim Intellectualism

Originally posted on Paths. Places. People.:
Photo: MEHR News Agency Dr. SYED FARID ALATAS is a sociologist who has done extensive research on alternative models of Sociology, especially based on Ibn Khaldun’s theories. He teaches at National University of Singapore. His research area is fundamentally premised on the notion of decolonization of knowledge. His important…

India likely to rename West Bengal as ‘Bangla’ or ‘Banga’ — NEWSJET

The chief minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee’s cabinet approved a resolution on Tuesday to call the state, actually located in eastern India, “Bengal” in English – one of India’s official languages.State lawmakers would also get to choose between the Bengali names “Bangla” or “Bonga”, said state minister Partha Chatterjee.The feisty Banerjee, 61, had complainedContinueContinue reading “India likely to rename West Bengal as ‘Bangla’ or ‘Banga’ — NEWSJET”

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said the United States had waste the opportunity of nuclear deal. — NEWSJET

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday the United States had wasted the opportunity presented by the nuclear accord and prevented the two countries from working more closely on regional issues.“As the supreme guide said, the nuclear agreement was a test,” Rouhani said in a televised address. “If the United States had implemented the nuclear agreement […]ContinueContinue reading “Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said the United States had waste the opportunity of nuclear deal. — NEWSJET”

Lebanon Attractions !

Lebanon managed to attract around 1,333,000 tourists in 2008, and it got the 79th rank out of 191 countries. In 2009, the New York Times ranked Beirut the No. 1 travel destination worldwide due to its nightlife and hospitality. In January 2010, the Ministry of Tourism announced that 1,851,081 tourists had visited Lebanon in 2009, aContinueContinue reading “Lebanon Attractions !”